
Personal blog for posting my ramblings, mostly about programming.
Recent Posts
2 years ago - Switching to Fedora
2 years ago - Lockpicking
2 years ago - Google Maps Alternatives
2 years ago - Project Hail Mary
2 years ago - Baofeng GT-22 radios
3 years ago - Hosting this Blog
3 years ago - A Family YouTube
3 years ago - Screen Time
4 years ago - Making PDFs searchable
4 years ago - i3, again
4 years ago - Unique email per service
4 years ago - Dark Theme
4 years ago - Villa Empain, Brussels
5 years ago - Switching to i3
5 years ago - Retrospective
6 years ago - Raspberry Pi emulation
7 years ago - Palmer Writing Method
9 years ago - The Mutt e-mail client
9 years ago - HSTS in Rails
9 years ago - 2014 Reading List
10 years ago - Switching to Linux
10 years ago - MongoHQ review
10 years ago - 1% for Open Source
11 years ago - My daily worklog workflow
12 years ago - Getting started: relays
13 years ago - Capybara POST requests
13 years ago - Ruby 1.9 server encoding
13 years ago - Thinking Sphinx and God
14 years ago - Shuffle an array in Ruby
14 years ago - How many days in a month
14 years ago - Sync data with Dropbox
14 years ago - RuPy 2009 roundup
14 years ago - RailsRumble reflections
15 years ago - Favorite iPhone apps
15 years ago - Fishy EcoStrip
15 years ago - ZooCamp Antwerp
15 years ago - A Belgian web conference
15 years ago - Sharecard for iPhone
15 years ago - Wikipodium meeting Gent
15 years ago - BarCamp Antwerp
15 years ago - Do you Poken?
15 years ago - BarCamp Gent
15 years ago - Twitter as news source?
15 years ago - Mobile Momentum?
15 years ago - Mobile Monday Brussels
15 years ago - TechCrunch Belgium meetup
15 years ago - Mobile Monday Amsterdam
15 years ago - A TLD for Flanders?
15 years ago - Welcome Geode
15 years ago - Adobe CS4 launch in Gent
15 years ago - dConstruct 2008 roundup
15 years ago - Happy 1st Birthday!
15 years ago - iPhone barcode scanners
16 years ago - Mac apps for switchers
16 years ago - Lustro on the streets
16 years ago - Firefox Download Day
16 years ago - Displosable RSS feeds
16 years ago - GeoRSS with Ruby on Rails
16 years ago - file sharing
16 years ago - Missing gems in LightTPD
16 years ago - DIY flash diffuser
16 years ago - Create a small disk image
16 years ago - iPodia for Wikipedia
16 years ago - Unlocking a French iPhone
16 years ago - Leopard Tech Talk notes
16 years ago - Microformats book review
16 years ago - Sitemaps in Ruby on Rails
16 years ago - My Flickr photos with RoR
16 years ago - GZIP output compression
16 years ago - Apache versus LightTPD
16 years ago - Automated Technorati ping
16 years ago - Web design checklist
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